Stijn Hendrikse

Stijn is Kalungi's co-founder and board member. He is a serial SaaS marketing executive and has over 30 years of experience working in software marketing. He is co-author of the T2D3 book and masterclass that helps startups drive exponential growth.

Strategy & Planning

How Much Time Should I Spend On Reporting?

I believe a Marketing team that has found it’s Rhythm should not spend more than 10% of it's time on measuring, learning, optimizing and planning.

Strategy & Planning

Get Going With HubSpot

When you get started with HS as a SaaS B2B Company, here are the educational steps to take for your team in the most logical order.

Demand Generation

Digital Assembly Line For Marketing

There are many things though that you can outsource where the quality does not have to suffer, or might even improve.

Strategy & Planning

Do Only What Only You Can Do

When you find something that 'only you can do' or that you're 'best at' in a specific part of the market, you should explore that segment of the...

Content Marketing

5 Steps To Start With SEO for beginners

If you do these 5 SEO for beginners tips and create actually good content, Google will start rewarding you with high search rankings.

Content Marketing

3 Steps To "Seed" Your Keyword Research

Turn your customer knowledge into a great Keyword Strategy. Don’t start by using a tool that is based on what Google wants you to focus on.

Demand Generation

4th Industrial "Marketing" Revolution

If you go to a hotel and are a Platinum+ level member of their loyalty program, even the best chains usually don't remember what pillow you used.