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Demand Generation Updated on: May 17, 2023

The best B2B SaaS growth hacks you'll ever find (And FREE stuff)


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The Paradox of Life

My son once told me the story about an interesting paradox we all run into as go through the three main stages in life. I'm not sure what the source is. It's fascinating nonetheless.

  • When we're young, we have Time and Energy, and no Money
  • When we are in the prime of our careers, we have Money, Energy, and no Time
  • When we finally are living the life we wanted, we have Money, Time, but lack Energy.

The fact that most of us can relate to the above sad reality, is proof that it's not easy to "break" the trend. If you want to get the most out of each part of your life, you need to find a Hack.

Good news is on the way - A virtual assisitant that works

You only have to solve for two of the above challenges. If you can find a way to "trade money for time" in the middle stage of your life, and turn your "time into money" when you're young, you've also created the foundation to be at peace when you grow older. If you've hit all the items on your bucket list before you retire, and have made time early to travel the world, you can now really enjoy the final stage of your life at a slower pace.

Outsourcing Marketing Services

I write this article on my SaaS CMO blog because I'm someone who has racked up many years of constant 70+ hour work weeks. While Microsoft has allowed me to travel the world, I'm by no means close to having done everything that I want in this world. I'm probably not the only CMO who can relate to this. 

Now let me share the "hack". It's a company called Invisible Technologies (or https://inv.tech/ ) and I've been fortunate enough to get to know the team. Before we joined forces I was a customer and delegated a whole list of tasks with great success. Below is an overview.

Marketing ROI

Here are some examples of projects I had my "Bot" do, and what it cost me (Invisible has a Synthetic approach combing Human Intelligence and AI/Automation in very innovative ways).

List Building

Build a high-quality list for prospecting and engagement - My bot found/scraped /searched a lot of details, including digital marketing assessment (SEMrush reports etc.) and human assessment of the subjects' website quality, navigation, value prop etc. for top 200 SaaS Companies in the Pacific Northwest. The bot created a very comprehensive list that you would never be able to buy (30+ fields). This list is so good it allows me to target and engage in a very personal level (and my bot can send these individual emails 😊) - Cost: $205.00

Create a custom letter to introduce me to all the 200 leads above - Cost $14.00

List Hygiene

LinkedIn clean-up – The bot did a great job cleaning up 1000+ of my connections that were Indian/Russian etc. marketing/prospecting connections that I had accepted in the past but were not helpful for my LinkedIn branding. The bot did a great job putting them in a spreadsheet first and then get me to verify before the bot sends the disconnect actions -  Cost $23.33


Connect with 100 UW Foster MBA Future graduates – My bot got me the linked in profiles (and send out connect invites) and email details for all MBA graduates for 2018 and 2019 of the University of Washington MBA class. I use this for intern recruiting and build a pipeline of great marketing talent - Cost $50.33

Content Marketing

Find 25 pieces of high-quality content (blogs, videos, education, shopping comparison) for a specific Keyword search phrase. Using the “human” side of my dot to filter the SERP google results and find the things that really answer my audience questions in the buyer's journey. Very good use of $... - Cost $24.33

Mystery Shop

Visit and engage with my website and 10 competitors. Fill out the contact form and collect what response you get, the email they send, newsletter content - Cost $30.00

What else to delegate?

Here are my favorite six examples that you can consider delegating right away:

  1. Online competitive research
    1. Test the clarity of their value proposition
    2. Test the site Navigation and Friction to engage
    3. Get accurate competitive pricing information (get a quote?)
  2. Finding job candidates - Your VA/Bot often produces better results than expensive retained search firms in producing a good pipeline fast (find industry rockstars and the best people at your competitor)
  3. High-quality list building. Especially for Account Based Marketing (ABM)
    1. Especially when combined with AI tools that can generate lookalike lists of leads
    2. Imagine adding someone who not only finds the exact type of company you want to prospect but adds all the current info from the website re their leadership team.
    3. They can find the latest news, the latest product launch/event or promotion
    4. Your bot can add info re partnerships or investors into your prospect.
    5. How do your prospects communicate with their customers?
    6. You can find out if they are hiring certain roles, or use a specific technology.
  4. Influencer research - Doing this with a human in addition to software like Google trends, BuzzSumo and the like gets your accuracy to a new level. Let your Bot research the search results for the keywords you care about and find out who's leading the commenting sections and Quora discussions
  5. Curate daily news on a topic for a newsletter (mentions, Google alerts)
  6. Research events/influencers by industry or product category

Special Promotion

You can buy the service at special promotion pricing here. Feel free to mention my name if you prefer to email the sales team at sales@invisible.email

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